Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My friend Renee just announced to everyone that she'll be having a new addition to her family at the end of July! As of yet, she doesn't know what she's having - but I'm pulling for a girl so that I have an excuse to buy lots of frilly stuff! I'm definitely happy for her new little blessing and can't wait to meet the baby face to face - if the baby is anything like her mommy, he or she will be BEAUTIFUL!

Renee was really worried about my reaction - just because Chris and I have been trying to have a little one of our own for almost a year. It'll happen for us eventually - hopefully Renee will share some of her water with me! I totally believe that we control how we react in any situation and I decided at the beginning of this process that I didn't want to be bitter or angry towards anyone that was pregnant when I wasn't - what purpose would that serve anyway? Babies truly are miracles - it's amazing what all has to line up in order for them to happen! Definitely not as easy as they make you think it is in high school! It'll be my time soon enough - and until then, at least I have one that I can love on and spoil! (And give back when they need changed!)

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