Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...a day early!

We're going to be traveling up to Michigan tomorrow morning to spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws. I'm definitely going to miss spending time with my sister while she's in town this weekend, but at least I'll get to see her when she comes home for Christmas. (I'm already counting down the days, Katie!)

Even with all this turmoil going on in the country right now - I have lots to be thankful for- a loving husband and family, great friends (that I consider my extended family!), my job, health, and insurance, all while living in this great country. There's many people out there now that can't say the same thing, which is why it's a great time to help out the community. A little goes a long way, so please take the time to help out those around you. Pay it forward - you never know when you might be in need.

Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Go Bucks!

Twas the night before game time,
And all round the shoe,
Not a creature was sleeping,
They were screaming "Beat Blue!"
The banners were hung by the lamp posts with care
In hopes that Pryor would find Beany through the air.
Drunken and crazy and burning their beds,
While visions of kick-off danced through their heads.
When all of the sudden there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the keg to see what was the matter.
When there in the sky, in a Coupe DeVille sleigh,
Was Woody Hayes decked out in scarlet and gray.
He looked on the crowd that was gathered around,
And said that he heard that a game was in town.
"I came here to watch it, and wish you good luck."
"Though it's not like you need it, cause Michigan still sucks."
(Poster and poem by annon.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tinkerbell Party

This past weekend while I was in Canton visiting family, I invited my little cousin Caitlyn over for a Tinkerbell party. I bought my mom, Caitlyn and myself fairy wings and we popped lots of popcorn and watched "Tinkerbell" -- which is probably one of the cutest movies that I've seen in a while and hopefully will be owning soon! Afterwards, we colored in coloring books (which I haven't done in forever and definitely don't do nearly enough) and had some fun taking pictures. I gave Caitlyn all of our wings and the movie, and while on the way out the door, and prompted by her mom, she said "Thanks, Grady!" (Grady is my dog).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's a Girl!

It's great to celebrate with friends at work that just found out yesterday that they'll be blessed with a baby girl in April! They already have three cute little boys, who'll definitely be looking out for their little sister. I'm pretty sure she won't be able to date until she's 35. I can't wait to buy the baby patent leather shoes and ruffle butt bottoms - she's definitely going to be the most girly-girl ever - at least until she's old enough to start hanging out with her brothers!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gettin' in the spirit

In search of a star Christmas tree topper - Beryl, Kelly, Erin and I drove up to Bronner's (the LARGEST Christmas store ever) in Frankenmuth, Michigan on Saturday. It's definitely worth the trip if you have never been there before - though you should definitely go earlier in the year when there's a little more room to walk up and down the aisles without bumping into everyone. We also ate at Zenhder's which has the best home-made German food in town.

Hopefully next year we'll plan to go a little earlier and stay for the entire weekend so we have time to hit up the outlet mall at Birch Run, which we were too tired for on this trip! Driving four hours up and back, plus many hours shopping is enough to make even the most excited Christmas shopper exhausted!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Things I've learned over the past 28 years

I follow blogs all the time and I've been wanting to start one for a while but figured no one really cared about what I had to say or think - but here goes anyway. Here are some lessons that I've learned over my lifetime up to this point, some more quickly than others, but all of them equally as important.

  • You always have a choice in any situation - it might not be easy to make, but you always have one.
  • Anything worth having is never easy.
  • After a bad day never cancel plans with friends - they are the best way to turn your day around.
  • Being an adult isn't about making the right decisions - it's about how you deal with the outcome of those decisions.
  • The definition of the word insane is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
  • Attitude is a decision.
  • When you want something badly, you'll only get it after you stop wanting it.
  • Lying about a situation usually causes more problems than what there were to begin with.
  • Needing and wanting are definitely two different things.
  • There are never too many miles between the people that you love.
  • There are always going to be people that have it better than you - but there's also people that have it worse that you.
  • If you want someone who doesn't care what you look like or whether you've brushed your teeth but wants to kiss you anyway and is excited to see you every time you walk through the door - get a dog.