Monday, November 10, 2008

Gettin' in the spirit

In search of a star Christmas tree topper - Beryl, Kelly, Erin and I drove up to Bronner's (the LARGEST Christmas store ever) in Frankenmuth, Michigan on Saturday. It's definitely worth the trip if you have never been there before - though you should definitely go earlier in the year when there's a little more room to walk up and down the aisles without bumping into everyone. We also ate at Zenhder's which has the best home-made German food in town.

Hopefully next year we'll plan to go a little earlier and stay for the entire weekend so we have time to hit up the outlet mall at Birch Run, which we were too tired for on this trip! Driving four hours up and back, plus many hours shopping is enough to make even the most excited Christmas shopper exhausted!

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