Monday, November 3, 2008

Things I've learned over the past 28 years

I follow blogs all the time and I've been wanting to start one for a while but figured no one really cared about what I had to say or think - but here goes anyway. Here are some lessons that I've learned over my lifetime up to this point, some more quickly than others, but all of them equally as important.

  • You always have a choice in any situation - it might not be easy to make, but you always have one.
  • Anything worth having is never easy.
  • After a bad day never cancel plans with friends - they are the best way to turn your day around.
  • Being an adult isn't about making the right decisions - it's about how you deal with the outcome of those decisions.
  • The definition of the word insane is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
  • Attitude is a decision.
  • When you want something badly, you'll only get it after you stop wanting it.
  • Lying about a situation usually causes more problems than what there were to begin with.
  • Needing and wanting are definitely two different things.
  • There are never too many miles between the people that you love.
  • There are always going to be people that have it better than you - but there's also people that have it worse that you.
  • If you want someone who doesn't care what you look like or whether you've brushed your teeth but wants to kiss you anyway and is excited to see you every time you walk through the door - get a dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your new blog.